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Hijacking GPS: The modern threat of GPS spoofing

Stealthy manipulation of navigation systems


Global Positioning System (GPS) has become an integral part of our daily lives, guiding everything from smartphones to critical infrastructure systems like aviation, military operations, and global shipping. It's one of those invisible technologies that we take for granted—until it goes wrong. However, as the use of GPS continues to expand, so do the potential threats. One particularly insidious threat is GPS spoofing, a technique that allows an attacker to manipulate or falsify GPS signals. With the ongoing geopolitical tension, notably the Russia-Ukraine conflict, GPS spoofing has become a tool in modern warfare, enabling adversaries to disrupt, deceive, or mislead the positioning systems of their opponents.

This blog post explores the vulnerabilities of GPS technology and dives deeply into the concept of GPS spoofing. Drawing from the "All Your GPS Are Belong To Us: Towards Stealthy Manipulation of Road Navigation Systems" whitepaper (27th Usenix Security 2019), we’ll discuss how spoofing attacks are executed, their potential consequences, and why this issue remains relevant in today’s world of heightened global conflicts.



Julian 'jul3x' Prolejko

Software Engineer

Software engineer specializing in creating low-latency systems and scalable distributed systems. Throughout my programming journey, I have worked on projects involving both low-level robotic applications and web systems, as well as automation.

My coding journey started in the web development industry. Since then I gained extensive experience in designing IT solutions and user interfaces. For over 10 years, I have been delivering modern software and customer-friendly web applications.

You can find contact details inside this personal portfolio which documents some of the projects that I created and contributed to during my lifetime.